ActivitiesSensory Activities for Curious Babies and Toddlers

Sensory Activities for Curious Babies and Toddlers

Babies and toddlers have very busy hands and very curious minds, which is why sensory activities are a great way to entertain the little ones. You can encourage your child to practice Xi fine motor skills, patience, and even self-soothing skills, all while they are happily busy. We’ve gathered some wonderful examples of DIY sensory boxes and bags that encourage toddlers and babies to explore the world around them.

DIY Busy Board Sensory Activities for Toddlers

DIY busy boards are a fantastic sensory activity for young children because they are versatile and can be used to develop a variety of skills and curiosity. They display a wide range of familiar household items (e.g., light switches, zippers, and knobs) in a safe and convenient way. The busy plank gives young children a chance to explore everyday objects without getting hurt or messing up.

Quiet Time Sensory Books for Toddlers

Sensory books blend sensory play with rest because they encourage exploration at a slow and quiet pace. Plus, they’re easy to slip into a diaper bag for fun on the go! They can include a wide variety of textures, colors, and themes (one of our favorite ideas: print family photos on felt to bring a personal touch to each book). We love this resource, it contains 45 different templates that are sure to spark your child’s curiosity.

Gardening Sensory Box

As painful as it is for us adults, it can be a good thing to mess up our children! Of course, some kids may need some coaxing before they actually get their hands dirty. That’s why we love this sensory box for budding gardeners. With just a simple plastic box, some potting soil, and some tools and toys, you can help your child discover how fun it is to play in nature.

Decorate the Robot Sensory Bag

This sensory activity is also a way to stimulate quiet time. Toddlers will be immersed in the robot decorating them over and over again by pushing the smooth gliding sensation of beads and buttons through hairspray. You can stick these sensory bags to a wall or window, or place them on a cookie sheet for a tabletop game.

Zigzag Sensory Bag

Making a sensory bag with Elmer glue, some food coloring, glitter, or any other fun combination can make learning Xi a lot of fun. You can encourage your child to practice fine motor skills Xi this Zigzag project by drawing simple lines on the bag and asking your child to track them. Continue to draw letters and numbers and even spell out your child’s name. When you’re done, use a washable marker to easily erase the lines.

Dinosaur Digging Sensory Activities for Toddlers

If your child loves dinosaurs, then this sensory activity is for you. With just a few items, you can create a super engaging dinosaur digging site that will allow your kids to dig, discover, and play longer than the Stone Age lasts. Take advantage of their sensory play by reading books about the giant creatures that once roamed the earth.

Sensory Activities for Toddlers

This sensory activity is great for toddlers who like to mess around. Take a box and fill it with cereal or whatever dry food you need to throw away from the pantry. Give your child a hammer (plastic, of course) and other tools (like a rolling pin, potato masher) and get your child to work with an amazing crunch!

Ribbon Box for Baby Sensory Activities

Six-month-old babies enjoy sensory play just as much as older children. This ribbon box is easy to make, safe, and fun for the little ones who already love to grab everything in front of them. Use brightly colored or patterned ribbons to add some visual effect.

Baby’s Drum Circle Sensory Activities

Mom and Dad might want to buy some earplugs for this. Take out all the pots and pans and form a circle. Then place your baby in the middle and let them tap the bottom of the can to make their own music. If they are able to sit up, hand them a wooden spoon and see how many different sounds you can make.


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